He keeps His covenant promises forever and remembers the word He spoke to a thousand generations— Psalm 105:8 VOICE

When our family moved into a new house we had a big fireplace with a large hearth. I started a new tradition of taking a picture every time we had a family gathering. As my daughters married, their spouses were less than enthused about the ritual. I was unflinching in my resolve to get that group picture. They came to accept it  – especially since that was the only present they needed to give me. We take a smiling photo and then one with crazy faces and antics. These pictures are priceless especially now that their Dad moved to Heaven. I am forever grateful for this tradition that I started despite the protests.
What are your traditions? Are they for special holidays? What’s the motive behind them?

Establish consistency

Don’t try to do everything that everyone else does. Decide what your traditions will be and be consistent with them. Less is more and know the reason you want to do them. Don’t do it just because it has always been done. This is for you and your family.

Borrow from old traditions but tweak them

I started trying to get a studio picture every Christmas. This got harder and harder as the kids got older. Busy schedules and tight budgets made this one hard to do. Instead, I set up my camera with a tripod and a self-timer. I love how now the grandkids expect and we time the picture around the new grandbabies.

Find a way to publish the results

I love Facebook because this becomes my cover photo. I am planning to get all these photos together and publish a photo book with them. It is important to remember promises kept and the words spoken. Future generations will want to know and the legacy continues.


Thank You, Lord, for always keeping your promises. Your faithfulness astounds me. I am so grateful for the inspiration to do what I can to establish routines and traditions for our family that will bless future generations. Give me the grace to see beyond what is happening so I can bless and love future generations. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

28 Ways to Honor and Love Series

For more inspiration on how to honor and love those closest to you during this season of love click here.
Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world.
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