In truth, each of us journeys through life like a shadow. We busy ourselves accomplishing nothing, piling  up assets we can never keep; we can’t even know who will end up with those things. In light of all this Lord, what am I waiting for? You are my hope. Psalm 39:6-7 Voice

HOPE WINS as I recognize that my only hope is the Lord. Life is short and I embrace every adventure and moment as a gift and an opportunity.

My late husband was the consummate collector. Over the years he accumulated many collectibles which he proudly displayed in the guest bedroom of our home. His favorites were Hopalong Cassidy and anything Western. He enjoyed all aspects of his collections and was always on the lookout for one or two more items as we perused antique stores and searched ebay for additional items. I often told him, “When is enough – enough?” A few months before my husband’s death his closest friend, Rick, came for a short visit. As he and his wife, Butchie, were leaving Bill instructed me to take them back to the room where he had his collectibles s o they could pick anything they wanted off the shelves.When we got back there, Butchie started crying and didn’t want to take anything. “Please take something because he wants to give it to you.” He did this with several other visitors. At the end of it all, we can truly say that while things can be useful and having a collection can bring joy, the only source of hope is God.


David wrote this Psalm before he was anointed as king. It is amazing that one so young already had a sense of God’s presence and the conviction of his need for God to work in his life. It is no wonder that God chose David to be the next king. He was looking at the heart of a young man who despite his outward appearance and lack of importance in his earthly family had the leadership potential of a king. Samuel, the prophet, was sent to Bethlehem to anoint a new king because of Saul’s disobedience. Saul had been the rock-star. He looked the part but did not have a heart for God. Samuel knows that the next king is one of Jesse’s eight sons. All seven of the older brothers comes before the prophet. They look the part but don’t have the heart. This is when God says to Samuel, “Take no notice of his looks or h is height. He is not the one, for the Eternal One does not pay attention to what humans value. Humans only care about the external appearance, but the Eternal considers the inner character” (1 Samuel 16:7 Voice).

Life is Short – Make it Count

This Psalm starts out with deep soul searching around the effects of our words. We have no details around the situation that brought about such a deep confession yet we can all relate. Words can separate and discourage us. So many times it would have been better to keep my mouth shut and other times when I could have spoken a word of encouragement I kept silent. I can only imagine the young shepherd boy out in the field remembering his harsh response to something one of his older brothers said. I imagine that it went something like this:

“Next time I’ll just keep my mouth shut. I just can’t seem to win,” he says to himself.

The only response he gets for his tirade comes from the sheep,  “Baa! Baa!”

“It just makes me so mad that no one listens when I tell them what God has shown me,” he mutters angrily. “When I don’t say anything it feels like a fire burning inside me.”

Then he looks up at the star-studded night sky and is overwhelmed by God’s greatness and how fleeting life is. It seems like he has spent his whole life waiting for something great – something more than the day-to-day grind of caring for the sheep. It is remarkable that one so young would recognize that his life is like a a breath of air.

Waiting with Hope

David was being prepared for greatness in the middle of smelly sheep. He felt like he had been waiting his whole life for a chance to be heard. He had so much to offer yet others discounted what he had to say. He wanted more. In that lonely place, David is waiting with hope. The Hebrew word used for wait (qavah) is sometimes translated hope. It literally means to bind together as in making a rope. It also means to collect or gather together. As he waits for the fulfillment of his destiny, David continues to collect the truths that will guide him through the days ahead. He is collecting a treasury of songs that will one day be used in worship songs around the world. He is collecting the principles that become part of scripture. He is placing confident expectation in the God. It is a simple yet profound truth that brings him comfort and provide meaning to his life.

Anointing Follows Hope

My Mom often said, “The answer doesn’t come until 20 minutes after it doesn’t matter any more.” Perhaps it was the next day that one of David’s older brothers came to get him because Samuel had found the one God said would be king. I can only imagine that conversation on the way home.

“Come on little guy. Dad sent me out to get you,” says Shammah with a grimace.

“What’s going on?” stammers David. “Am I in trouble again?”

“Not this time. Samuel is here,” the older brother.

“As in the prophet Samuel?” David asked in astonishment.

“Yep. He came to anoint a new king and says its one of us,” he answered.

“I bet Eliab is super excited!” David exclaimed.

“We all went before Samuel and none of us were picked. Then he said something about how God looks inside rather than on the outside like we do. He asked if there was another brother and so Dad sent me to get you.”

The rest of the walk was spent in silence as David thought about what was going to happen next. He was excited!


Dear Lord, thank You for the reminders that life is short. I want to make every second count for You. I want to be collecting the principles that create character qualities that prepare me for my destiny. For so long, it feels like I have either said too much or remained silent when I should have spoken up. You are my hope, Lord. I trust You in every detail and look forward with the expectation of simple hope and the confidence that can only come from You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. To increase hope and improve relationships with yourself and those that you love, sign up to receive Karen’s emails.


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