My hope is in the True God who will save me. My God will hear me. Micah 7:7 Voice

HOPE WINS because in the deepest trials and struggles we know that the True God hears our prayers and will rescue us.
There are times when it seems like the struggle is just too great! Those closest to you are fighting each other and drawing you in to the fight. Your government is corrupt and seems to only be out to get richer at the expense of the poor. Families are being ripped apart by fighting and distrust. This apt description of our society is actually vividly described in the book of Micah in the Bible.


Micah was one of the prophets right along with Isaiah, Amos and Hosea. His name is shortened from what spells out “Who is like Jehovah?” Micah was from a small town and pretty much stayed there unless God sent him to the Jerusalem to deliver a strong word against the sin that was so prevalent in that day. Isaiah shared the same love of the Lord and desire for holiness, yet knew more about the political situation in Jerusalem where he lived. Micah predicted the fall of Jerusalem to Samaria if the people of God did not repent. Much like his contemporary prophets, Micah did not say good was coming when the situation was disastrous. He also denounces the prophets that prophesied prosperity if they were paid well.

Looking Up

The preceding chapters to this verse are not at all encouraging for those who have turned their back on God and are taking advantage of the poor. Micah is crying out against those who take advantage of their own people to get richer. They love their sin and comfort. They have been influenced by the Assyrians and are worshiping false God they made with their own hands. In the midst of all the doom and gloom are a few treasures that encourage us with hope. Our hope promise today is exactly that kind of nugget. Micah has seven chapters of dire predictions for those who turned their back on the Eternal One.  In the verses just before this one there is a description of families fighting each other. There is no fanfare or transition. Verse 7 simply says, “As for me, I am going to look up.” It’s obvious from looking around that others are headed for ruin, yet he can choose to look intently or gaze on the Lord. That verse speaks to me in the current days in which we live and our need to keep our focus on the Lord and intercede as one who is a watchman on the wall.

Waiting with Hope

The word used here is ‘yawchal’ which can be translated as hope or wait. It is the same word that Isaiah uses when he expresses a similar thought in Isaiah 40:31, “Those who wait (yawchal) on the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles. They will run and not be weary. They will walk and not faint.” Micah is looking up to the hills for the rescue of the Lord with confidence and hope despite the troubles that surround him and the impending doom the actions of his contemporaries are inviting through their lack of repentance. Hope places confidence in the only One who is totally dependable and trustworthy.

Knowing God Hears You

Micah further expresses trust in God when he says that he knows that God hears Him. Have you ever felt despair as you looked at the current landscape of godlessness and mockery toward His Word. I love Micah’s simple language of faith here that says because God is his God, He will hear and answer him. When we cry out to God, He does hear us and answer us. Meanwhile, we wait with the confidence that He has heard us and had a good plan for our lives and our family. This confidence allows us to continue forward with all God has in store for us.



Thank You, Lord, that You never move. When I look up to You I can know that you will be there and will hear my prayer. Just like Micah, when I get worried about the condition of the world, our nation and our families I will look to You. I am grateful that I can choose You and I do that today. I will wait with confident expectation of the good things that you have in store for all of us as we put our complete trust in You. You have never let us down before and You are not about to start now. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. 


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