I will not be alone, because the Father will be with Me. I have told you these things so that you will be whole and at peace. In this world, you will be plagued with times of trouble, but you need not fear; I have triumphed over this corrupt world order (John 16:32-33 VOICE).

The Father is with me. I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world. – same verse in the Message.

Have you ever been in an earthquake? I have been in several. Growing up in Central America, they were part of our daily existence especially in Guatemala and Costa Rica. I moved to California for college and had a few close encounters with the earth shaking under my feet. They didn’t happen every day but when they came, they made your heart start beating rapidly and you held on for the few minutes that seemed to go on forever. Caregiving can feel like you have built your house on a major fault. All may look good on the surface but there is a sense of dread when the shaking starts because you’re not sure how much damage there will be once it stops.

Scripture never promises that we will not have trouble in our lives. In these verses, Jesus is preparing his followers for very difficult days ahead. He is giving His own example of the trust He has in His Father because He is always with Him. He knew that they would abandon Him in His darkest hour. Whath do you do when you world starts shaking?

Hope Tools

Embrace the truth that you are never alone

When our world is shaking we can feel so alone. The panic that hits when you aren’t sure what to grab on to when you’ve received a devastating diagnosis slowly subsides yet you are not sure where to turn. Who do you call? You worry that they will not be able to handle it well either and you will then have someone else to comfort. We also have this crazy feeling that we need to be strong for everyone else. Who started that one? Pray about who you tell about our shaking and make a list. See how they respond. Those who support you will get to stay on the list. Those who do not do as well, you can reach back to later when you’re stronger. Ultimately, you know that the Lord is very near to the brokenhearted so call to Him for help as well.

Prepare for the big one

If you live in California you have heard a lot about the emergency preparedness for when they get hit by “the big one.” It means knowing where to stand when it’s shaking, what water and food supplies to have, When caring for someone who is dying it’s amazing that we can avoid conversations that person wants to have about their wishes. Don’t deprive them of that honor to be heard during some of the most critical conversations of their lives. Let them be vulnerable and open. It’s okay to cry together. These are priceless times. Break down the walls that are isolating them too.

Enter deep peace

I love the Message version of these verses because it says that when we trust the Lord He will make us unshakable, assured and deeply at peace. I long for deep peace. I want to launch into that part of inner space. I encourage you to do the same. There is no easy formula yet this is what the Lord is calling you to do. He wants to work from the inside out. So slow down and let the peace settle in.


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for the warning that we would have difficulties in our lives. It’s appropriate and yet You also want us to recognize that You have already traveled this road before us. You healed all who came to You for healing. As we claim healing for our loved one who is ill, we also know that you want us to trust You in every detail. I bring you the fear of the next shaking in our journey. Thank You for the promise that we can be unshakable especially as we see how deeply we are loved. Thank You for the promise that I can walk with assurance and deep peace. I receive this peace right now in Your powerful name. Amen.





Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world.

You may order Karen’s latest book, The Power of Hope in Mourning here.


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