All those who focus their hopes on Him and His coming seek to purify themselves just as He is pure. 1 John 3:3 Voice

Hope Wins when we focus on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.
I grew up in Central America where pineapples are plentiful. I have strong memories of eating ripe, juicy pineapple with the juice dripping down my arm. It might be like your memory of eating watermelon. Imagine my shock the first time that I ate a slice of pineapple after moving the United States for college. It was pale in appearance and sour in taste. Every time I travel back home to Costa Rica I ask for ‘ensalada de frutas’ – a wonderful combination of papaya, bananas and pineapple chunks. It’s amazing how things can look the same on the outside yet be so different inside. This is what our verse on hope speaks to me. You are loved. You are chosen. You are set apart for a special purpose. As you wait for that become a reality in your life you will keep your eyes on Jesus who is the only one who can keep your motives pure and untainted.


This book is attributed to the author of the Gospel of John even though it does not have a specific dedication or salutation saying it is from him. John is writing this letter to the beloved followers of Jesus who were struggling with false teachings that caused them to lose their focus. It is a practical book that calls all believers in Christ to prepare to win the practical, daily battles of living for the Lord with hope and love. He is the mature leader who is concerned for those new believers who are being taught it’s okay to sin because everyone does it. John, on the other hand, teaches that when we stumble that we have Jesus as our advocate. He encourages them to live in the confidence that comes from knowing who they are in Christ. and in knowing that they have passed from death to life. It is an ongoing process that is based on loving trust and hope.


An important lesson to remember is what you learn when you first start driving a car – you will go in the direction where you are looking. In the verses just before this one, John is speaking of the love that God has lavished on you. You will become like whatever you make your focal point. This verse tells us to focus on Jesus and His coming. You can get discouraged when you fall short of your eternal destiny of being like Him. The process is really simple – look to Him. He is the one who initiates the relationship and pursues our heart. He will finish what He started. What are you focusing on today?


We live in a society where purity is mocked. The values portrayed in the media are not based on the truth as God sees your sexuality. He created you to fully love in His plan and purpose. Many situations arise that test your motivation and desires. You will come to the end of yourself so many times and yet can know that He fully understands what you are going through. What are your motives for doing what you are doing?


The word for hope in this verse is ‘elpij’ that means to have a confident expectation of the author of our faith. Our hope is based on the foundation of who Jesus is. You can have confident expectation of the good outcome because of what Jesus has done for you and what He is doing in you. Purity comes from what fills your mind rather than your behavior. Pure hope dispels darkness as you focus on His light rather than the darkness of your circumstances or what others are doing. Your hope is in Him. Where are you placing your hope?



Thank You, Lord, for loving me first. I am so grateful that I can put my hope in You as my foundation in life. Work in me so that my motives remain pure and untainted no matter what happens in my life. I also accept Your perspective of me and what You have called me to be. I am thankful that what I do comes from the person your are creating me to be. So I take a deep breath and lean in to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. To increase hope and improve relationships with yourself and those that you love, sign up to receive Karen’s emails.


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