When you’re a caregiver you never know when a call can throw you into the middle of a storm. I remember one time when I was trying to decide whether to take a job that would require constant travel in order to do some training in South America. My husband, Bill, was encouraging me to take it because he knew how much I enjoyed it and I could also make a lot of money which would help us pull out of the financial difficulties where we had landed after he stopped working. I could not find peace about saying ‘yes’ and asked the Lord for a very definite sign. I was preparing for the conference call to accept the job when our son ran into my office saying, “I just called 911. Dad is choking!” The paramedics arrived in time and were able to suction what was lodged in his air passage. I had my answer. I did not take the job in South America. Instead, I continued my role as caregiver. Looking back I have no regrets. I am grateful for the many times that the Lord spoke peace to my heart and calmed the storm.

Anyone who is a caregiver knows that one of the hardest parts is navigating the medical, insurance, and disability systems. Once the shock of the medical crisis dies down the caregiver begins the daunting task of juggling a myriad of doctor’s appointments, paying hospital bills, visits from home health and caring for the loved one. Your situation is unique yet there are similarities to others caregivers. I always wished for a manual that would answer all the questions that I had in one place. One does not exist because each situation is unique.

Hope Tools

Get organized

The last thing in the world that you have time for is to get organized. Make the time anyway. Or better yet, ask for help from someone who has offered and would love to get you organized. This is not the time to be proud. You will save hours later by being able to find the receipts and diagnosis, etc. 

Start a notebook

Go buy an inexpensive composition book where you can keep all records of appointments, doctor’s instructions, journal your thoughts, etc. I like this notebook because it’s small and will fit in my purse. When I would go to doctor’s appointments I could also refer back to information they might ask me. Having all the papers in one place can save time later.

Create a folder of all expenses

Have one place where you keep all the receipts. This is especially important after a hospital visit. When all the dust settles you will want to be sure to check to make sure you were not double billed.

Enter the expenses in an Excel spreadsheet

A very dear friend of mine suggested creating an Excel spreadsheet for all the expenses. This may seem extreme but in her case it saved them thousands of dollars because the hospital was double billing the insurance. Ask for help with this and stay current.


Lord, I have a storm raging in me today as I worry about my loved one(s). It seems like there is no easy solution to this. I love the story about how you slept in the boat in the middle of the storm. I ask for that kind of peace as well. Bring blessed rest and sleep even as the storm rages all around me. Help my unbelief, Lord! I trust You in every detail of this journey. I am thankful for all who are there to help me and for those who do their jobs diligently to care for ____________________. I ask you to calm the storm and bring peace to everyone involved. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world.

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