You are the God of miracles. Psalm 77:14 TLB

Our gratitude prompt for today is MIRACLES.
You experience miracles every day – you just don’t see them. We serve a mighty God who works mighty wonders in our life all the time. Many times we do not realize we have experienced a miracle until we look back on the situation. Miracles may even come in the form of something that we would have avoided at all cost because it is painful.
Two years ago I was fired from a dream job. The income was great and it looked like it was a perfect fit for my skill set. This particular miracle came in the form of rejection and a closed door. I made a conscious choice to look for the upgrades that would result from a drastic change I would have never chosen. Here are the miraculous upgrades I have enjoyed in my life since  then:
2) I learned to live in a new dimension of faith that expanded by reach.
3) I have traveled extensively to Latin America to take the message of hope.
4) I have had a flexible schedule to invest in my children and grandchildren.
5) Also, I have been available to spend the time necessary to assist my Dad in transitioning to a new living situation.
Sometimes rejection is actually God’s protection from being absorbed into the vision of another while neglecting your own.

Journal Prompts

I am thankful for the miracle of ______________.

List as many miracles as you can think of that have happened this year in your life..

Here’s a story of a time when a difficult time became a miracle for me and my family: ________

I believe that I will receive an upgrade in the following challenging situation ________________.

Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through.
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