Show hospitality to each other without complaint. 1 Peter 4:9 VOICE

Today’s writing is part of the Five Minute Friday link up. Join us by writing for five minutes every Friday. Here goes…

I have been missing my Mom this week. As I was thinking about her I realized that her greatest gift was the gift of inclusion. Her hospitality is legendary especially her ability to share her cooking (waffles) with others.

My earliest memories were of sitting around the table with family and guests. It seemed like we often had visitors join us. We laughed a lot. We always had plenty to eat and share.
Some friends in Oregon gave us a commercial waffle iron that found its way to several countries. She would whip up a batch of waffles in minutes and there were always leftovers. It reminded me, even as a kid, of the loaves and fishes that multiplied for the 5000.
Lessons learned from Mom:
  • Stock up on staples
  • Be prepared to enjoy the prep
  • Serving is fun
  • Laughter is multiplied around the table
  • Include those who may not have anywhere to go
  • My house doesn’t have to be perfect before inviting others to join a meal
  • Set the table with joy
Mom’s greatest challenge in her last few months here on earth was that she was no longer able to serve others in this way. She missed that expression of her creative gift to add another egg, some flour and milk to stretch the waffle mix and serve up with hospitality and no complaints because it is an honor.

This is a blog written as a part of Five Minute Friday prompt. Please join a vibrant community who blogs for five minutes on one word every Friday by clicking here.

Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through.

A free offer with 31 adjectives describing character qualities to honor

31 Adjectives to Show Honor to Someone Special

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