An undeserved curse will be powerless to harm you. It may fly over you like a bird, but it will find no place to land. Proverbs 26:2 TPT

Today’s writing is part of the Five Minute Friday link up. Join us by writing for five minutes every Friday. Here goes…

A few years ago, I prayed a dangerous prayer, “Please, Lord, give me an unoffendable heart.” You can only imagine what happened next. Even those I thought were on my side began to have issues with me around the way I did things. I won’t say that they cursed me but their feedback seemed incredibly negative to me. I cried a lot in my prayers times in that season.

Defining a curse

Your words have power. Negative words can come back to land in your lap. The Passion Translation has the following in its footnotes for this verse: There is an implication in some Hebrew manuscripts that the curse will go back and land on the one who wrongly spoke it, like a bird going back to its nest.”

Removing landing places

The best way to remove the landing places is to remove negative words and gossip from your own life. As you look at others with eyes of love and compassion, you will discover that you are able to let negative words spoken over you to fly right on by. They will not hover or linger in your thoughts. You will be free.

Changing the atmosphere

Every place you go, speak positive words of encouragement and hope. You will begin to change the atmosphere in dynamic ways. Find ways that you honor those closest to you and that may be challenging you in special ways.

Questions to ponder

How is the Lord using difficult people in your life?
In difficult situations, how is the dynamic similar to one where you dished out the negative feedback?
What nest of unforgiveness have you allowed to fester in your own heart that has come out in comments you have made about others?


This is a blog written as a part of Five Minute Friday prompt. Please join a vibrant community who blogs for five minutes on one word every Friday by clicking here.

Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. To increase hope and improve relationships with yourself and those that you love check out her Facebook page – The Power of Hope.

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