We rest in this hope we’ve been given—the hope that we will live forever with our God—the hope that He proclaimed ages and ages ago (even before time began). And our God is no liar; He is not even capable of uttering lies. Titus 1:2 Voice

HOPE WINS because it is based on the confidence we have in the truth of what God says in His word.

As I was reading the book of Titus I was imagining what the congregation looked like to this young man who was sent by Paul to straighten things out. It reminds me of our first Sunday at our new church. We had moved from California with three kids to take a church in Arlington, Texas. It was a tiny church building with a dingy parsonage. There were 12 of us that first Sunday. One of the twelve was an amazing elderly man. John Paige was a self-made man who was passionate about God and worship. He had led the songs for years at this little church and took his job very seriously. .He waved his arms and would jump off the ground when he ‘got blessed.’ I was amazed at his stamina and energy yet a little afraid every time he did it. For the first few Sunday we left everything as status quo – not wanting to change anything too fast.

One of the first things we did was set up a ‘common meal’ for us to share on the first Sunday of every month. Brother Paige let us know in no uncertain terms that he could not lead the songs at a church where we did that. I’m not sure what verse in the Bible he based that on but he was passionate about it. Fortunately, John and his wife decided to continue attending after my husband talked to him and showed him great love. They agreed to disagree on this one area and that we would understand if they did not want to join us on those occasions when we sat down to eat a meal together. They continued to agree on Jesus as the only Savior and the hope we can have of eternal life. Several years later as Brother Paige was in the hospital with pneumonia he told my husband, “It didn’t think you were going to last as my pastor but I’m glad you hung in there.”


Paul is writing a letter to Titus, a young man who is struggling as a young pastor of a difficult congregation in Crete. They are a mess. Things are in chaos and Paul is ready to defend the truth that will realign what the false teachings have produced. Titus and Paul have a very special relationship and Paul wants Titus to come and join him. This verse is part of the salutation. Paul knew that this letter would be read to churches as was the custom of the time. He starts the letter with his credentials and then puts in this wonderful verse that is the basis for everything else he says.

Redefining Hope

We have been looking at the scriptures that refer to hope as more than wishful thinking. So often when we use the word hope it is with a hopeless attitude of not knowing the end result. In this verse, this work is the Greek word ‘elpis’ that means hope, expectation, trust and confidence. There is nothing wishy-washy about this hope. This verse says that we can rest in knowing that we have eternal life and it is more than a wish because it is based on a promise from God and God cannot lie. It’s like he is setting the foundation for all the corrections that needed to be made by setting a foundation of resting in hope.

God Loved You First

The truth of the gospel is that you have been promised eternal life with a certainty through believing and trust Christ that allows you to rest in what Jesus did on the cross rather than self-effort. This connection with God was His idea and He thought of you before He ever even created the heavens and the earth. Before time ever even began you were promised eternal life. Paul says in verse 3:
So we can be sure that it is in His exact right time that He released His word into the world.

Trust the Timing

So often we lose hope because of the timing, especially when it seems that nothing is happening. We despair that there will ever be any changes and ‘give up hope.’ The promise of eternal life was in God’s mind even before time existed. Therefore, hope is timeless. He sees it all as now – past, present and future. The promise depends on the one who is making the promise and therefore will always stand. Your life is transformed as you trust God – the promise-maker – to be the promise-keeper. That fills me with HOPE!



Thank you Lord that I can truly rest in the work that Christ did for me on the cross. It is not up to me to try harder or make something happen. Instead, I can trust God to fulfill all that He has promised in His time. He has appointed the seasons and will fulfill His purposes in your life as you trust in Him. I am so grateful that our relationship is your idea and trust You to work out the details. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. 


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