Matthew 2:10 “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.”

I enjoy decorating for Christmas and getting my family involved. I just had the best weekend ever with two days of carefully decorating the trees with non-breakable ornaments because of the two little princesses we have to help this year. The best part of having grandchildren is the opportunity to rewind and get it right. It’s less about everything being perfect and all about the fun we can have. It wasn’t always that way.

There was a point in my life when I became obsessed with decorating for Christmas. I started buying ornaments in July and had multiple series going. I had a themed tree in every room of the house and a big open house.  I would wake up early on December 26th to buy ornaments at half price. I lost the joy and the reason for doing any of it.

In my perfectionism, I wanted my house to look like a magazine cover. Instead of enjoying the time with family, I kept tweaking and fixing things. You combine that with procrastination and you have the recipe for disaster. I would marathon wrap on Christmas eve and be exhausted and grumpy the next day.

As I sit here sipping my cup of green tea and looking at the decorations, I am overwhelmed with the grace that comes when we give the Lord our painful memories. I feel sad that there were a few super crazy years, yet I feel excited about the future. I won’t get upset if all the ornaments come off the tree or if one is accidentally dropped. People bring comfort and joy. God is restoring my joy and we are enjoying the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Dear Lord, thank You for continually working in our lives to conform us to Your image. Thank you for your presence and peace that can be the center of our home when we invite You in. Grant us the continual awareness and the comfort and joy that Your presence brings us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through.
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