Return to your walled cities, safe and secure O hostages of HOPE. I announce today that I will restore to you twice a much as what was taken. Zechariah 9:12 Voice

Hope Wins because after long periods of waiting without giving up hope, God restores more than we have lost.


Zechariah wrote this book to encourage the remnant who returned to their homeland after 70 years in captivity. They were discouraged and depressed even though they should have been ecstatic to be free. As the grandson of Iddo, a priest, he was a young man when they returned under the decree of Cyrus, the King of Persia. Chapters 1 – 8 were written before the temple was finished and the remainder of the book after its completion. During their years of captivity the children of Israel would sing and cry for the return to their homeland. When they got there it was in shambles and they had to start rebuilding. They did not expect it to be so hard. Perhaps because he was a priest and a prophet his words are much more encouraging than Haggai who focused more on their sin and selfishness. Because of his family lineage, Zechariah could see the importance of rebuilding the temple and staying encouraged. His writings also include specific reference to the life of Jesus when he came to earth as the Messiah. It is likely that he was serving as a prophet when Esther became the queen of Persia as seen in Esther 1:1.


When you are captive to disappointments and discouragement you just want to run away to somewhere safe. I seems like if you could just go back to the “good ol’ days” all would be good again. You can fantasize about what all the details will be like. I can only imagine how the young Zechariah felt when he returned to a place that was in shambles. His grandfather had told him so many stories about the glorious temple before they were taken captive. Imagine his disappointment when he returned and saw the rubble instead of the glory the old man had described in vivid detail. As a priest he was looking forward to leading the people in worship in a proper setting.


When the people of Israel were taken into captivity they lost their identity as a nation. They were slaves who did what they were told. The day finally comes when Cyrus releases a remnant to return in order to start rebuilding. Zechariah was part of this group and even his name reflects the truth that although it felt like God had forsaken them, he had not. When they felt the most hopeless, his very name was a reminder that God had not forgotten them. Zechariah means “Yahweh remembers.” He refers to them as prisoners of HOPE. They had been in a situation where they were hemmed by the reality of their identity as prisoners. Now they are finally free and yet they continue to feel like prisoners. Zechariah instructs them to choose to work diligently with hope on the completion of the physical temple and in the process they would be cleansed and restored. God was in the process of rebuilding their future which is great because one day the true Messiah would come and work from the inside out.

Restoration of What Was Lost

Are you discouraged as you look at the panorama of your life? Does it seem like your day-to-day activities are leading nowhere? Do you feel like God has forgotten you and your dreams? Then you can use the encouragement of restoration found in this verse. God promises to restore double for the trouble you have been through. He is committed to those who set their hope on His promises in their lives. He can make it better than if it had never even happened. He can change your vision of yourself. Everything changes once you are no longer looking to your circumstances, despair and hopelessness. Change your perspective and begin to see the miracles of the Lord in every situation. Now that gives me hope and hope is powerful.



Lord, we confess that we have been held hostages of our unmet expectations. We return to You and thank You for making us prisoners of hope as we put our confidence in You. I trust You to make the difficult situations in my life better than if they had never happened. Thank You for Your perspective. Open my eyes to see your miracles in every situation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. 


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